Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God, Sovereign of the World
Akathist to the Mother of God, translated to English by New Martyr Press. This akathist was originally written in French by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty.
Akathist to Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri, the New Martyr
Akathist to Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri in English, originally written in French by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty.
The Life, Writings, and Akathist of Saint Radegund of Thuringia
This book includes Saint Radegund’s own writings as well as her akathist. This publication is comprised of “The Fall of Thuringia” (Saint Radegund), Letter to Artachis (Saint Radegund), Caesaria to Radegund and Richild (Saint Caesaria), The Life of St. Radegund (Baudonivia of Poitiers) and the Akathist to Saint Radegund, written by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty and translated into English by New Martyr Press.
Akathist to Our Father Among the Saints, Saint Paisios the Athonite
Akathist to Saint Paisios in English, originally written in French by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty.
Akathist to the Most Gentle Jesus Christ
Akathist to the Most Gentle Jesus Christ in English, originally written in French by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty.
Akathist to Saint Alexander Schmorell
Akathist to Saint Alexander Schmorell. The orginial was written in French by Hypodeacon Claude Lopez-Ginisty. It was translated into German by Irène Balestra. It was then translated from German to English by New Martyr Press.