All Zines: $5.50 each

Backbone Subscription: 6 months- $33 1 Year-$65 (Free Shipping)

All Zines: $5.50 each Backbone Subscription: 6 months- $33 1 Year-$65 (Free Shipping)

Backbone, Issue 6: Trials

Backbone, Issue 6: Trials

Issue no. 6 covers the interconnectedness and part of the spiritual warfare behind Edward Snowden, the cancel culture movement, and the toll houses.

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CHAPEL, Issue 1

CHAPEL, Issue 1

CHAPEL, Issue 1 is the first installment of a zine written by an amateur iconographer, who accepts the task of writing all the icons for an entire chapel.

The first issue covers the iconographer’s surrealist influences, the planning stages of the chapel, and the agony one feels over their own unworthiness.

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Backbone, Issue 5: The Cataclysmic Redirection of the Female Mental Breakdown

Backbone, Issue 5: The Cataclysmic Redirection of the Female Mental Breakdown

In the fifth Backbone issue, the author addresses the similarities and differences between "Franny and Zooey" and "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it". Topics discussed are: spiritual awakenings and breakdowns presented in the context of the female experience, the role of a spiritual father, the inability of modernity to grasp the concept of the presence of the Virgin Mary.

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Backbone, Issue 1: Iconography Will Be the Last Art to Ever Exist

Backbone, Issue 1: Iconography Will Be the Last Art to Ever Exist

A single color riso zine series detailing the musings of an anonymous Orthodox Christian cultural theorist. The first issue covers why Orthodox Christian iconography will be the only art to survive the artificial intelligence takeover. The mixed media zine's text is typewritten in a rather poetic fashion, and is Riso screenprinted. The entire zine was made without a computer, using only fabric, lace, a typewriter, a caligraphy pen, and a label maker.

The zine series will be a run of physicals only, no ebooks due to theoretical consistency.

Further zine topics will include the chess move of the intention of anonymity, our vices as infiltration, the deep fake courts, screens as scrying mirrors, the toll houses, and the romanticization of cyberpunk.

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BACKBONE, ISSUE 2: Which Way, An-prim?

BACKBONE, ISSUE 2: Which Way, An-prim?

Backbone, Issue 2: “Which Way, An-prim?” is split into two parts: The first, addressing anarcho-primitivists and dissecting late-2010s anprim culture, the second part exposes Newsweek's articles (with timestamps) chronicling their periodic reintroduction of the concept of using "young blood transfusions" to reverse aging. This issue contains polaroids as an addition to the mixed media collage of the master. This issue's Riso color is "Orchid", giving it a more melancholy appearance.

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Backbone, Issue 3: Auditory Ascesis

Backbone, Issue 3: Auditory Ascesis

The author of Backbone takes a break from socio-political subculture and “retreats inwards”, chronicling the first three years of their journey of giving up secular music.

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